Online Safety
New technologies can inspire children to be creative, to communicate and learn. However, while the internet is a great resource, it is important that children and young people are knowledgeable about and protected from the risks they may encounter.
At Burbage, our children's safety is paramount. We revisit key principles of keeping safe online and provide opportunities for the children to use and observe use of, safe internet use, regularly; high expectations are set and maintained across school and any issues addressed and used as a learning opportunity.
Please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff should you have any concerns about your child's online safety; questions about keeping your child safe online or recommendations regarding great resources.
E-safety policy
e safety policy january 2021.pdf
Each year, we take part in Safer Internet Day to strengthen the children's understanding of how to stay safe online. The document below shows some of the activities our children took part in on Safer Internet Day 2023.

Resources for children
The games and video clips below are from reputable sources. However, we always recommend supervising children when they are accessing online content, live.
Please let us know if you find any more great resources, suitable for children.
Be Internet Awesome and play the Google Interland game .
Watch this BBC video clip about keeping safe online.
Play the Band Runner game from CEOP's 8-10-year olds' page and use the buttons at the top of the page to access videos.
Play the Cyber Sprinter game for 7-11-year-olds from the National Cyber Security Centre. Further information (which grown-ups may be interested in) can be found here.
Communication with parents and carers
In addition to letters shared with parents and carers as we are made aware of time-sensitive local and/or national concerns, online safety information can be found on our monthly, school newsletters as appropriate.
e safety guide for parents and carers 2022.pdf
Useful links and resources for parents and carers
Please use this link to access free factsheets and an interactive guide to setting parental controls on devices.
Fortnite is a popular online video game where players play together in different ways, including shooting games, racing, rhythm games and other player-built experiences. Understand the potential risks to your child and what steps you can take with this factsheet.
fortnite parent factsheet november 2024.pdf
Minecraft is a popular game where children explore an online world. They can use building blocks to customise the world and create new parts to it. It can be a fun way for children to be creative and try new things, but there are some potential risks you should be aware of too. Use this factsheet to learn more about the risks and what you can do to help keep your child safe.
minecraft parent factsheet.pdf
This link contains YouTube clips created by Traci Good, Director of E Safety Training Limited, who works closely with Derbyshire County Council to provide e-safety training to schools.
The clips will cover issues such as parental controls (and how to set them), which apps have seen a surge in popularity since the pandemic, and age-specific information aimed at 0-5s, 6 – 11s and over 11s.
Internet Matters is a great website which contains lots of useful information such as how to set controls on different devices and gaming platforms; age-related advice; key online issues to be aware of and research & news articles.
Thinkuknow is provided in partnership with the National Crime Agency and provides support if you are concerned about your child's online activity; how to report online safety incidents and how to speak to your child about more sensitive topics.
The UK Safer Internet Centre is the organisation who lead Safer Internet Day and, as the aforementioned websites, is a great source of guidance and advice on online concerns, 'How to...' guides and talking to your child about trickier topics.