Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School


History is taught intensively throughout the Autumn term under the headline ‘Discover’.  Children investigate history through broad enquiry questions and are encouraged to lead their learning by asking their own questions and using their own historical skills.  All classes have lessons weekly and learning is reinforced by making cross-curricular links in other subjects.  The Autumn term provides many opportunities for us to teach meaningful and relevant sessions around national historical events such as Black History Month and Remembrance, in addition to full national curriculum coverage.  This intensive approach to teaching enables children to gain an in-depth knowledge as they revisit the subject matter repeatedly over an extended period of time without breaks.  The Spring and Summer terms allow us to embed these skills by building on this learning in other subjects and via whole-school events.   

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 history begins by introducing children to the concept of time and they initially work back from their own personal experiences, consulting with family members and the local community to investigate the history of their local area.  Once they have a confident grasp of the passing of time and discussing aspects of change and continuity, we move further back in time to focus on individuals and events in places that are more familiar to them. 

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, each year group has a focus on British history during Autumn 1.  This enables us to see clear progression throughout the school and provides plenty of opportunity for the sharing of learning between year groups which the children can directly relate to in comparison with their own current objectives.  The content is organised chronologically so that they can clearly see change and continuity through time.   

In Autumn 2 Key Stage 1 classes begin to learn about events further back in time, practising making and using timelines and asking questions about the past.  They then move forward through time towards the present day, linking their learning about the past back to their own experiences.  Key Stage 2 content is once again organised chronologically, focusing on aspects of international and global history which took place concurrently with their Autumn 1 British History content.  This enables them to directly compare, contrast and makes links between experiences around the world.   

Other information

Each year group takes part in local visits to explore their lines of enquiry whilst experiencing local artefacts and accessing expert knowledge.  Teachers also use fictional and reference texts to extend opportunities for research and to embed learning in other areas of the curriculum.  In addition to off-site visits, teachers use high quality online resources and invite experts and outside providers into school to enrich the children’s experiences and immerse them in the time period they are learning about.  This also enables them to ask their own questions and follow their own lines of enquiry. 

At the end of the Autumn Term all classes present their learning in a Showcase accessible to all children and their families.  This is a valued opportunity to see the progression of learning throughout the school in one event and to witness the pure engagement, enthusiasm and wonderfully inquisitive natures of our children. 

History Long term plan

history ltp.pdf

History EYFS & KS1 Knowledge and Skills Progression document

history progression of s k eyfs ks1.pdf

History KS2 Knowledge and Skills Progression document

history progression of s k ks2.pdf