Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School

Art & Design


Art and design is taught as a focussed whole school subject area during the summer term (via our 'Create' unit) and as a cross-curricular subject area and through whole school events in the autumn and spring.  Covering the majority of the art and design curriculum in the summer term allows us to make strong links with the many national and local festivals and events that take place in this season and to explore the subject area in a greater depth. 

Our new curriculum provides a full term of explicit teaching of art, allowing children to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and take ownership of their own work. It is designed in chronological order of Art movements, linking with the timelines in our history curriculum and ensuring we get a wide view of art that represents people of Britain across history and to the present day. We source inspirational art works from a vast range of cultures, countries, ages and genders to promote our children’s understanding and appreciation of the importance of diversity, as recognised in the feedback (February 2023) from the Arts Council: 

Burbage has used the opportunity to celebrate diversity and promote an understanding of different cultures through the new art curriculum. Children now learn about artists' lives, styles, and careers from countries such as Japan, Africa and South America.

Burbage has used the opportunity to celebrate diversity and promote an understanding of different cultures through the new art curriculum. Children now learn about artists' lives, styles, and careers from countries such as Japan, Africa and South America.

Teachers use the Burbage Skills and Knowledge Progression document to ensure clear progression throughout the school with the aim that all children have mastered key concepts and skills before moving onto the next topic. To enrich learning and inspire our children, all year groups take part in arts-based educational visits and we welcome visitors into school to enhance our children’s learning and understanding. We work with a range of artists, workshops and projects from our local community such as The Babbling Vagabonds, Creeping Toad and Buxton Museum. 

To ensure the ongoing revisiting of art skills and knowledge through the year and the commitment of new learning to long term memory, we organise whole school events during the Autumn and Spring term. For example, in the Autumn term we celebrate diversity in our Christmas Around the World topic through art. We also combine our art objectives with Design and Technology, notably in Textiles.  In the Spring term, we take part in The National Gallery’s Take One Picture national programme which we submit to The National Gallery and share during our Spring term showcase for parents and friends. Cross-curricular learning provides ongoing opportunities for art to be continually taught and applied throughout the academic year. 

Art & Design Long Term Plan:

art and design ltp.pdf

Art & Design EYFS Knowledge and Skills Progression:

eyfs art skills and knowledge map.pdf


 Art & Design KS1 Knowledge and Skills Progression:

art progression of skills and knowledge ks1.pdf

 Art & Design KS2 Knowledge and Skills Progression:

art progression of skills and knowledge ks2.pdf