Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School

Design & Technology

At Burbage Primary School, Design and Technology (D&T) is taught across the two-year cycle shown below. This is to ensure that quality D&T is taught regularly within a busy timetable and allow for timely professional development for staff as well as time for monitoring and evaluation. D&T will often be taught in a block, as opposed to regularly through a half-term, so as to best teach specific skills and knowledge and complete a project utilising and practising these. 

The timing of the different curriculum areas has been carefully thought out, so as to enhance, complement and support the rest of the term’s learning. This timing will be monitored as we continue to develop our new Burbage curriculum. 

  • Mechanisms and textiles will be taught within the history focused ‘Discover’ Autumn term, providing links to historical mechanisms such as catapults and Victorian toys, historical tapestries and Christmas textile opportunities. 
  • Cooking and nutrition will be taught twice across the two-year programme, as this was seen as such an important life skill for all children, as highlighted in the National Curriculum. It will be taught in the Spring term (where a focus on world food will support the ‘Explore’ geography-focused curriculum, diversity and inclusion) as well as in the Summer term. 
  • Structures will be taught alongside the ‘Explore’ geography-focused curriculum, allowing links to local and world landmarks, again intertwining diversity into the Burbage curriculum. 
  • Electrical systems (incorporating programming, monitoring and controlling in UKS2) will be taught in the Summer art-focused ‘Create’ term, as some of the projects involving electrical systems also have an art and design element to them. 

Throughout the Design and Technology curriculum, a variety of designers and individuals in the field of technology will be focussed on, with the aim of reflecting a representation of the diversity of British society, as well as looking beyond this and across the world. 

At Burbage Primary School, there is currently a lunchtime STEM club and in the future we hope to provide educational visits and visitors with a Design and Technology focus and whole school events. 

Design & Technology Long Term Plan

dt ltp.pdf

Design & Technology Knowledge and Skills EYFS & KS1

updated dt eyfs ks1 .pdf

Design & Technology Knowledge and Skills lower KS2

updated dt ks2 y3 4.pdf

Design & Technology Knowledge and Skills upper KS2

updated dt ks2 y5 6.pdf